How are the Super Bowl teams spending their money?
Below is a chart with the teams from the previous 10 Super Bowls, their average spending per player by position, and how it differed from the league average. The raw data is available on page 2 for you to manipulate and try to find your own trends/patterns.
What can your team learn?
A few things that stand out:
- Defense might just win championships - Not including kickers, 12 of the 15 biggest high-paying deviations from the league average were on defense.
- 14 of the previous 20 Super Bowl teams spent more than the league average on QB
- Secondary isn't secondary - Both of this season's teams outspend the league average by more than 60% at Safety
- 16 of the previous 20 Super Bowl Teams spent more than the league average per player
- This season's 49ers team is biggest difference per player (+35%) in the past 10 Super Bowls
Again, check out page 2 to view and use the raw data yourself!
Erik Oehler is the web developer at National Football Post, and is always looking for suggestions for future stat-related articles or general improvements for the site. He can be reached at or on twitter @erikoehler